Monday, February 21, 2011

Sawadee ka, Thailand!

He-ey! Hopefully your February has been well! Mine has been very, very busy!!! Between a banquet dinner we are throwing for our host families, a giant pasta feed fundraiser, getting ready for our trips, and still keeping up the normal Ibex schedule (which is full), there hasn't been a lot of down time!

We have some new classes that I am really enjoying! Pastor Tim is teaching on hermaneutics- the art and study of interpretation! (Basically how to interpret the Bible for yourself and know what you believe and why). Pastor Connie is teaching us about global journeys, and I seriously LOVE this class... it gets me so fired up for Thailand! Finally, Pastor Brian is going through a video series by Andy Stanley called "The Best Question Ever".  We've only had two classes with him, but I feel like I have already learned so much from it!

Guess what? I finished TESOL!!! Party in the house! No for real, it is so good to be done with it, and now I am officially certified to teach English as a second language! Woot woot!

 Here's another guess what... I leave for Thailand in 24 days! Less than three weeks... wow. It is coming up so soon! Today was a mile-marker day because we sent Brian, one of the lead team members, off to Thailand a few weeks early to go and prepare our trip. (I am jealous he gets a whole extra month in Thailand ;]  ) When we were at the airport, I could barely contain the excitement-ask my team and they'll tell you- I can't wait for my turn!!!
I can't wait to change lives, and be transformed, and see God's kingdom come crashing down, and build relations with the Thai's, and just be available for God to use in whatever way he decides! It. Will. Be. Awesome!!!

Yes. I am very enthuseastic. But I do still have alot of money to raise, and that can be a stressor. I am expectantly waiting on God to open the floodgates and help our team bring in the $40,000 we have left, and am praying for my own personal trip finances- $5,200 left!

Please pray for:
~Finances! I need $5200
~Protection for Brian and wisdom as he plans our time tin Thailand
~God inspired dreams, words, etc for Thailand!
~Safety on our trip
~Increase in faith
~Peace about preperations and that all details will fall into place!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading and supporting! I'll keep ya updated on whats going on!

Love without limits. Lead without compromise. Live without regrets.