Friday, February 4, 2011

Visitor Canada!

Hey there!

Guess what.
Nevermind, don't guess. I'll just tell you. Actually, I already did tell you in the title of this silly post... we had a visitor from Canada! His name is Derek, and he works with Imagine Thailand at the Imagive Thailand HQ in Canada.

It was awesome having Derek here with is, and I am sad he had to leave. He came here all the way to Omaha to teach us about Thailand! Last year, the Ibex students worked with him for a month in Thailand in the Burmese refugee camps. He taught us about crossing cultures and gave us many tips on how we can prepare for our global journeys. Sadly, the weather did not welcome him in, and because of snow days, we did not get to listen to him teach nearly as much as we wanted. Still, I am very glad he came, and I am even more excited to go to Thailand now!

Speaking of which... I leave March 18th! That is about 6 weeks away... so soon! Please be praying that all finances will come in- I need $5200 still!

To help support me financially, send a check to Lifegate Church, 15555 W. Dodge Rd, Omaha, NE 68154. Put "Rebekah Miller- Thailand" as the memo. Thanks so much for your help!

If you want to purchase a pie as a way to help send me to Thailand, you can @ Lifegate Church on Wednesday night! Put your order in with me, and you can pick up your pie on Wednesday from 5:30-7ish in the fellowship hall at the church. Pies are just $15, and you can choose either:
~Homemade, frozen, cherry pie
~Homemade, frozen, apple pie
Perfect for saving, and pulling out when you have unexpected guests, or just really want a tasty treat... just pop it in the oven for a bit, and wha-la! a beautiful, homemade pie! $15, and you are helping send me to Thailand!

I think that is all I have for you for now! But I will continue to keep you updated,
Thanks for reading!
Rebekah (Or Rebequisha as some have called me! :] )
Love without limits. Lead without compromise. Live without regrets.