Woohooo! I am officially in the blogging world now! I decided that this would be the easiest way for me to update y'all on my IBEX journey!
So my first official day in IBEX was August 3rd... it's September 2nd... I have a lot to catch you up on!
1st week was basically orientation week! We went over the rules and how the program will be run. I learned that I will be serving in Uprising, the jr high youth group (I had been serving there previous to IBEX). I am extremely excited about working in that ministry! During that week, I was able to attend the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit. Wow, I learned so much! I felt like an information sponge... and after the first day of the two day conference, I needed to squeeze my brain out so that I could soak up some more the next day!
The 2nd week of August we took a trip to Salem, Oregon! There is a YWAM (Youth with a mission) program called Niko (which means in greek "to overcome") that we got to participate in! It was an intense wilderness hiking trip with the goals of creating team unity and building leadership skills, as well as pushing and stretching you physically, mentally, and spiritually. I made it out alive! When people ask how Niko was, my reply has been "Hard. It wasn't all fun, but it was all good." God revealed to me many things about myself, my team, and His character! There is something about getting out in the woods that makes it so much easier to hear God's voice. Needless to say, I am so glad I did a Niko. It was hard, and it wasn't all fun, but it was all good.
Week 3 of August we started our ministry tracks. I am loving Uprising, and am finally getting into the swing of our schedule... Work out real early, get ready at the gym, and then classes and other activities in the morning, and ministry track in the afternoon. Every day is packed full, which makes for a long week. I can see our team is progressing in unity, and I really enjoy all of the people in IBEX!
This past week was crazy. Jam packed with evening activities at church, as well as our daily morning workouts at the gym, and full afternoons, the schedule didn't leave much time for sleep! I LOVE the classes though, and as much as I hate to admit it, I actually do like having to get up early and work out. It's good for me, right?
In closing thoughts for tonight, IBEX is definately a journey. Yeah, it is a program, a school, a way to serve; but it is a journey. Consecrating 10 months of my life to seeking God, and His heart for my life, is not a one time thing. So step by step I will climb the mountains before me, and I am excited that you are part of this adventure with me!