Monday, February 21, 2011

Sawadee ka, Thailand!

He-ey! Hopefully your February has been well! Mine has been very, very busy!!! Between a banquet dinner we are throwing for our host families, a giant pasta feed fundraiser, getting ready for our trips, and still keeping up the normal Ibex schedule (which is full), there hasn't been a lot of down time!

We have some new classes that I am really enjoying! Pastor Tim is teaching on hermaneutics- the art and study of interpretation! (Basically how to interpret the Bible for yourself and know what you believe and why). Pastor Connie is teaching us about global journeys, and I seriously LOVE this class... it gets me so fired up for Thailand! Finally, Pastor Brian is going through a video series by Andy Stanley called "The Best Question Ever".  We've only had two classes with him, but I feel like I have already learned so much from it!

Guess what? I finished TESOL!!! Party in the house! No for real, it is so good to be done with it, and now I am officially certified to teach English as a second language! Woot woot!

 Here's another guess what... I leave for Thailand in 24 days! Less than three weeks... wow. It is coming up so soon! Today was a mile-marker day because we sent Brian, one of the lead team members, off to Thailand a few weeks early to go and prepare our trip. (I am jealous he gets a whole extra month in Thailand ;]  ) When we were at the airport, I could barely contain the excitement-ask my team and they'll tell you- I can't wait for my turn!!!
I can't wait to change lives, and be transformed, and see God's kingdom come crashing down, and build relations with the Thai's, and just be available for God to use in whatever way he decides! It. Will. Be. Awesome!!!

Yes. I am very enthuseastic. But I do still have alot of money to raise, and that can be a stressor. I am expectantly waiting on God to open the floodgates and help our team bring in the $40,000 we have left, and am praying for my own personal trip finances- $5,200 left!

Please pray for:
~Finances! I need $5200
~Protection for Brian and wisdom as he plans our time tin Thailand
~God inspired dreams, words, etc for Thailand!
~Safety on our trip
~Increase in faith
~Peace about preperations and that all details will fall into place!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading and supporting! I'll keep ya updated on whats going on!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Visitor Canada!

Hey there!

Guess what.
Nevermind, don't guess. I'll just tell you. Actually, I already did tell you in the title of this silly post... we had a visitor from Canada! His name is Derek, and he works with Imagine Thailand at the Imagive Thailand HQ in Canada.

It was awesome having Derek here with is, and I am sad he had to leave. He came here all the way to Omaha to teach us about Thailand! Last year, the Ibex students worked with him for a month in Thailand in the Burmese refugee camps. He taught us about crossing cultures and gave us many tips on how we can prepare for our global journeys. Sadly, the weather did not welcome him in, and because of snow days, we did not get to listen to him teach nearly as much as we wanted. Still, I am very glad he came, and I am even more excited to go to Thailand now!

Speaking of which... I leave March 18th! That is about 6 weeks away... so soon! Please be praying that all finances will come in- I need $5200 still!

To help support me financially, send a check to Lifegate Church, 15555 W. Dodge Rd, Omaha, NE 68154. Put "Rebekah Miller- Thailand" as the memo. Thanks so much for your help!

If you want to purchase a pie as a way to help send me to Thailand, you can @ Lifegate Church on Wednesday night! Put your order in with me, and you can pick up your pie on Wednesday from 5:30-7ish in the fellowship hall at the church. Pies are just $15, and you can choose either:
~Homemade, frozen, cherry pie
~Homemade, frozen, apple pie
Perfect for saving, and pulling out when you have unexpected guests, or just really want a tasty treat... just pop it in the oven for a bit, and wha-la! a beautiful, homemade pie! $15, and you are helping send me to Thailand!

I think that is all I have for you for now! But I will continue to keep you updated,
Thanks for reading!
Rebekah (Or Rebequisha as some have called me! :] )

Friday, January 21, 2011

The IBEX journey continues...

Hey again! I'm back into the swing of things since Christmas break! I hope you all had a great holiday season! After we got back from break on Jan. 3rd, we headed out to Mahoney State Park for a retreat! We has so much fun; so many good laughs! There may have even been a few pranks pulled ;) It was a great time to rally back together for the next 4 month stretch!

As a church body, we are particapating in a 21 day fast! We are expecting great things to happen in this fast; we are already 12 days into it! For me, this fast has been interesting as I walk through 3 weeks without my coffee! Please pray that God would continue to reveal Himself to us, especially during this time of fasting.

Tonight is going to be a very good night! Lifegate is holding an all night prayer meeting, from 10pm to 6am! We will be lifting our nation, our youth, our city's churches, our global workers, and much more, up to God. We are inviting the Holy Spirit to come, and expecting the Lord to break chains, answer prayers, and move in our hearts! Next Friday, Lifegate will have a worship night from 7-9pm! Please come!

Right now IBEX is very busy! We are continuing with our workouts, and ministry tracks, and prayer times, but have added a few things in! Right now we are in the process of throwing an appreciation dinner for our wonderful host families! Turns out planning a party for 60 people is alot of work- but we are enjoying the process... I've always liked throwing parties!

I am enjoying Pastor Eric's class on Theology alot! This cycle is just about over, and we wil move on to some new classes. We are continuing on with our TESOL program... I am 3/4 of the way through, and then I will be certified to teach English in Thailand!

Speaking of Thailand... we leave mid-March! It is coming up so soon! Brian, one of our lead team members, will be leaving on February 20th to go and plan our trip, and learn some of the language there. Please keep him in your prayers. I will have more information on my trip soon, and I will fill you in then!

I am currently working to raise $5,000 for my trip. If you would like to contribute, please send checks to Lifegate Church, 15555 W Dodge Rd, Omaha, NE 68154, and put my name and "Thailand trip" in the memo. I would really appreciate any help!

I am also looking for prayer partners. I need to have people rallied behind me as I get ready to head out on this journey, and I will desperately need your prayers as I stay in Thailand. If you can commit to seriously praying for me during this trip, please email me at; then I will be able to send you updates and prayer requests! This is vital to my trip, since, although God loves us to go to the nations, the enemy does not. We need people to fight in prayer for us while we are in a foreign country for two months! It would mean a lot if you would stand with me.

I think that is all I have to update you on for now, but I will be posting again soon!

Until next post, adios!

Rebekah Miller

Saturday, December 18, 2010

TEAM THAILAND and the Kyrgyzstan Crew!

TEAM THAILAND!!! We will be working with the organization, Imagine Thailand.
Kaitlin, Gabe, Me! , Michael, Jacob, Solomon, Brian, Megan, and April! (In that order)

Kyrgyzstan Crew! Working with Jeff and Becky Waalkes, some of Lifegate's global workers.
Andrew, Bethany, Michael, Megan, Joel, and Mark! (In that order)

Have a "Happy Holly Jolly Crazy Colorful Fun-filled Surprising Christmas!"

Heyo, my faithful followers, friends and family!
     I hope you all are having a great Christmas season! I know I am (so far!)

     Just a quick update for y'all! You should be proud of me... this is two posts in one month! New personal record for me here!

     In IBEX, things have been busy, moving at a fast pace for a good three weeks since Thanksgiving break! We continued to have our classes with Jaisy, Pastor Tim, and Pastor Eric, and are extremely greatful for the time they have taken to come teach, mentor, and hang with us! After this Christmas Break, we will have two new teachers, and we will get to continue our theology class with Pastor Eric.

     I have really been enjoying our courses this quarter. Pastor Tim has been teaching us about change, and I've come to the realization that I don't really like big changes! But it's ok... I'm learing how to lead people into change, and learning how to deal with change myself! In Pastor Eric's class, I always leave with so many questions! Usually if I talk it out, I can find the answer. The fun thing about theology is that there isn't always a right answer, and there is alot of material that is difficult to wrap your brain around... I love having the gears in my brain churning until they jam... at that point, it's just good to know that God is always faithful and good, regardless of whether we have the answers or not!

     Our online course, TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Sanguage), is keeping us on our toes! It is alot of work to keep up on, on top of all the other stuff we have going on. What's awesome about it is that I will be certified to teach English in other countries once it is completed!

     More exciting news- we have begun meeting in our GO (Global Outreach) teams! Woot! I am so excited to be a part of TEAM THAILAND! We are beginning to raise funds for our trip- we need $75,000 to send both teams to Thailand and Kyrgyzstan for 2 months. We are trusting the Lord to bring the funds in, through generous people, creative fundraisers, and miracles! (If you would like to help us reach our funds goal, please see the "How can I contribute" tab of my blog!)

     Speaking of funds and raising money- I hope you all know about Wednesday Night Dinners at Lifegate Church! On Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:30 we are serving meals for just $3! All funds go to our Global Journeys! For just $3, you can purchase a delicious meal, hang out with the IBEX students and fellow Lifegate members, and contribute to our trips to Thailand and Kyrgyzstan!

     As well as the dinners on Wednesday Night, we also are offering Pies for Thais and Kyrgyz! For just $15, you can buy a frozen, homemade, ready-to-bake pie, made by the IBEX students! The money goes towards our Global journey fund, and the pie is a delicious, easy-to-make treat you can pull out of the freezer, and pop in the oven to share with your friends and family!

     All right... enough of the fundraising talk... back to the holiday...
It's great to be home, enjoying family and friends, and getting to sleep in!!! We are on break till the 2nd, where we will be going on a retreat for a week. So, until then,
     Have a  Happy Holly Jolly Crazy Colorful Fun-filled Surprising Christmas!
  And don't forget why we are celebrating! :)

Happy Christmas!
Rebekah Miller

Prayer points:
Rest over break
Health for the team
Financial provision for myself, and for our global journeys
Peace about the future

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gobbler Grind, Pies for Thai's, TESOL, and so much more!

Hey everyone! Can you believe it is already December! Feels like November just slipped away so quickly. I think last we left off we were 3 weeks away from the half marathon, so I will pick up the journey from there!

On November 21st, we ran our half marathon in Kansas City, The Gobbler Grind! And we finished!!! I am so proud of our team! It was a fun trip...  the road trip, hanging with some awesome people, and running the race! As many of you know, I was dealing with some injuries during the race. I was in some pain during the run, but was able to push through it and finish strong! This is such an accomplishment for the IBEX team- we set our goal high, and reached it! We are all now mostly recovered from the race. A fun fact for you: the last song I listened to during the 13.1 mile race was Counting on God- I had it on repeat for the last 2 miles... the line "Just enough strength to get throught the day" kept me going to the very end!

We had a week off for Thanksgiving break, and I got to stay with my family! It was nice to get to catch up with them and be home for a bit. During break, I, with the help of my mom and one of my brothers, was able to make 23 pies for selling! Thank you to everyone who contributed to my little fundraiser for Thailand! This leads me to my next announcement...

Pies for Thai's and Kyrgz!
I am excited to announce that my little pie-baking scheme is now an official IBEX fundraiser! We will be selling the pies on Wednesday nights during our Wednesday night family dinners! Come to Lifegate between 5:30-6:30 for a $3 meal, and you can also order a take and bake pie for $15! Order on a Wednesday, and pick your frozen pie up the following week! All of our proceeds will go towards our global journeys to Thailand and Kyrgyzstan. So by buying a pie, you get a delicious treat and you get to help us raise $75,000 for our two month trips! :)

What else to share... so much has happened over the last month. We have some new classes this cycle. We are learning from Jacey, our IBEX director Jaison Samuel's sister. She is teaching us on our identity in Christ. I have only had one class with her, and already have been impacted and learned alot! We also are learning about change, and how that applies to leadership, from Pastor Tim. Guess what... I don't like really big change all that much because it means I don't really have control, and I get anxious about what is to come in the future, but I am learning how to handle change, and also how to lead others into change- getting people from here to there! Our Thursday class may be my favorite... we get to learn about Theology from Pastor Eric. I absolutely love it already, and had many questions for Pastor Eric after class! I can't wait to learn more... I find theology very intriguing! We also started our TESOL program... we are learning how to teach English as a second language through an online class. So far it is interesting, and should be pretty intense.

Besides the normal flow of things (Sunday service, small groups and church cleaning, Converge, Wednesday night dinners and Uprising, classes, worship and prayer times, etc.- see the "IBEX Schedule" tab on my blog!), I think I covered most of the new updates and stuff. I really am going to try to get this updated more than once a month! Bear with me!

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement! I appreciate all of you for taking part in this journey with me!

Prayer requests
~ $75,000 funds for our 2 month global journeys to Thailand and Kyrgyzstan
~ Personal finances for living (e.g: gas money)
~ Complete healing for injuries
~ Team health (entering into stressful holiday times, and winter... pray against all sicknesses!)
~ The intensity of our schedule is picking up, so pray for rest, and for good stewardship of time!
~ More than anything, we want to follow the lead of the Spirit; pray that God would continue revealing himself to us, and that we would be quick to hear His voice and follow!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Brand New Month!

Wow. Tomorrow is the start of a November, a brand new month... woohoo!

Lots of exciting things have been going on, which makes Lifegate Church a hoppin' place!

Lifegate just released their official CD, "Brand New Day"! And the crowd goes wild!!! It is incredible, and I am personally excited to have extraordinary worship to listen to in my car! (Bonus feature: My mom is on the back cover of the CD... What can I say? The camera's love her ;] )

More exciting news: starting November 3rd, IBEX is putting on IBEX Family Dinners on Wednesday nights at 5:30! So please, come visit us at The Goat Trough! Meals are jsut $3, and you can come fellowship, find out what is going on in IBEX, and eat a great meal! All proceeds go towards our Global journies to Kyrgyzstan and Thailand!

As far as IBEX goes, we are still busy, busy, busy! The 1/2 marathon is creeping up on us like none other! Just a little over 3 weeks now I do believe. We are counting on God to give us the strength to press on, because we are very tired! We ran 9 miles this past Thursday! To be honest with you, I never would have seen myself doing this in life! It's crazy!

I am really enjoying my classes this cycle! Learning all about discipleship in Pastor Tracy's class. This past week, we dug really deep into a passage, and looked at the context of things, including some Jewish customs that really explain the scriptures more. I was so intrigued! I really want to do Biblical studies now, because just that little tidbit was eye opening, and really understanding the background of who wrote the Bible, and when it was written really opens your eyes to what the scripture means!

In Dr. Deb's class, we took our strengthfinders test and are now learning about our strengths. We also are working on a genograph, which is sort of like an in-depth family tree! It is cool seeing where you came from, and looking at your strengths, and really just allowing God to show you how he sees you, and how he is forming you!

I feel like, for me personally, IBEX is really peeling back the layers and showing me who I really am! I am learning so many things about myself (some good, some not-so-good!) that I had never seen before! I am definately being shaped and formed right now, and to be honest, some of it hurts! But God is good and I trust Him!

Y'all should be proud of me- I am taking a sabbath! It was hard for me to arrange it, but I got most all of my "work" related things out of the way on Friday and Saturday, so I could rest today! And I'm not gonna lie, it is reeeeaaallly nice to sit and do what I want to do!

I think that is all I have to update you on for now! I'm looking at another busy week ahead, but I feel energized and ready to face whatever may pop up!

Prayer requests
~Financial provision
~Energy and motivation to finish my training and run the marathon to the best of my ability!
~Healing of injuries- shin splints, pulled tendons, and the aches and pains that come with running
~Sleep- and dreams and visions from God!
~Purpose- I don't want to lose purpose in what I am in IBEX for- I want to continue seeking God and what he has for me
~Open ears to hear God's voice, and then quick obedience!
Once again, I thank you profusely for your support and encouragement as I walk through this crazy adventure. I am so blessed to have friends and family like y'all around me!

In closing, I have a verse that has been speaking to me, and I would like to leave you to ponder on:

Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Chew on that, and I hope your week is filled with great things!


The Night of October 21st...

The Night of October 21st
A short story

     She was just wrapping things up in the office. It had been a long week. After finishing all of her grueling tasks under the close watch of her nazi-boss, she finally was locking the place up. Fried goat just doesn't sound good, she thought. But it will do, I'm so hungry! It had been a hectic day, getting ready to lead an overnight trip to Monte Clair for a group of young, adventurous students. As she walked out to her car, fumbling with her keys, and checking her phone, she heard something behind her. Footsteps. She walked faster, just ten paces from her car now. More footsteps. Finally there. She dropped her keys. Unlocking and opening the door, she reached to put the keys in the ignition, but she was yanked back, and a sack was put over her head. Don't struggle, it will only make it worse, she told herself, although she could hardly believe what was happening. Stay calm. Think. Use your other senses. She tried to regain composure, as she was pushed along and forced into what she assumed was the back seat of a small car. She decided to buckle up, although it wouldn't save her from her kidnappers, it would protect her from the car chase that was bound to happen once people found out she was missing.

She heard the car start, and all of a sudden the car began to shake as the bass was blasted out of the speakers. The windows were rolled down, and the car was moving. As they picked up speed down what she assumed was a highway, she began to relax. This is my favorite song! We gonna light it up, like it's dynomi...And then she snapped out of it. She realized their tactic, and blocked the song out of her head. No way were her kidnappers going to entrance her that easily- with that song! She tried to pay attention to where they were headed, but she had lost all sense of direction- and her sunglasses. They had stolen her prized sunglasses.

The car was slowing down now. And finally, it parked. She heard the doors open, and someone said "They are all here", in a slightly mischeivous way. She was then yanked out of the car by the straps of her backpack, which they then ripped from her shoulders. After getting her legs under her, she was pulled across a cement lot. She put a hand out in front of her for fear of hitting the imaginary pole she kept seeing (Or not seeing, due to the blindfold) , or running into the ominous wall that seemed to be in front of her every step. I do wish I could at least see where they are taking me! Are they going to hurt me? What is going on? What did I do to deserve this? She heard a rusty old door creak open and many things filled her senses: obnoxiously loud voices laughing and yelling, a waft of something from a kitchen hit her nose, and reminded her how hungry she was. Before she could take the rest in, she was again pulled forward, back and forth, around and across a carpeted area. Again her unnerved senses kept telling her there were maybe stairs in front of her, or a wall in front of her masked face, and she took timid steps forward. All of a sudden, her captors let go of her hands. She took a few more timid steps, and then..... she was pushed! She could see herself falling through one of those imaginary holes! Falling, falling, falli- wait... She was still standing. She heard laughter. And then a multitude of voices:

"Take off the blindfold, Rebekah."

She cautiously reached up and untied the thing that masked her eyes, the one sense she relied most on. She was almost scared to find out what awaited her behind the cloth that so graciously saved her from seeing what could be the tools used to end her life.

She slowly pulled the fabric up over her head, and then blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim bar lights hanging above her head.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted! She quickly scanned the room and took in the scene. The TVs, the waitors, the tables stacked high with wings and cupcakes. Then her eyes landed on the source of the voices.

And she smiled. Fried goat? I think not.

This is a shout out to all my wonderful IBEX friends who threw me the best surprise birthday party EVER!!!
They surprised me with a dinner at Buffalo Widl Wings, one of my all-time favorite restaraunts! The story sort of follows how the night went! :)

 Love you all, and thank you so much for the awesome surprise! You really got me!

*I hope you get the inside jokes I tried to include ;)


Sunday, October 17, 2010

SD retreat

Chillin at the cabin in SD! (It's a little pixel-y)

The view of the Missouri River from our cabin in SD!

(again, a little pixel-y) We ate the BEST food- thanks to chef Kelley!

We went on a rattlesnake hunt- yes, I was there- and we killed two!

We then proceeded to kill and grill the rattlesnake- and yes, I did eat snake!

Dear watching at the river!

Trip to the ocean in Oregon

Multnomah Falls, OR- a great pit stop after a long road trip!
Sharing watermelon with our YWAM friends!

Enjoying some Humble Pie Pizza on the beach!

We had such a great time, despite the chilly weather!

Mary, did you know???

Oh Mary, did you know you would be used as an example of what it means to slow down, take a deep breath, and just wait before the Lord?
Or did you know that you would be used to teach Rebekah Miller what it means to rest?

You know how when God wants to teach you something, He teaches it to you in many ways, and in the end when you finally get it, you realize he was trying to show you this "revelation" for over a month? Yeah. Thats me, here.

This past month, God has trying to teach me how to rest! Well, it may be safe to say that God has been trying to teach me this for alot of my life! It seems when I look back in my life, I am always going, never stopping, never still, whether it be work or play!

My "revelation" started when I took the Gallup Discover Your Strengths test, required for one of my IBEX classes. I came up as: Activator, Woo, Restorative, Achiever, Communication. For those of you that don't know the Gallup strengths, this basically means I am a do-er, a striver, and go-get-em personality. These can be strenghts, when they are used correctly, and in the right capacity. But in my life lately I have been letting them surface as weaknesses, by never resting. This brings me to the edge of burnout (an edge I have visited a couple times before!)

As I was pondering this, I remembered that earlier that week, in my IBEX small group (which we call "mini-herd time", because we are goats...get it? :] ) , this was one of the things that had been burdening my heart. I shared that I was always tired, anxious, and uptight. I shared how I always feel the need to go, go, go, and am not very good at sitting still for very long. I was encouraged by my mini-herd leader to take a sabbath, a day of rest. She, and my other teammates, told me that it is ok to rest before the Lord, and it's great to do things, and great to strive and reach a goal, but sometimes God is calling us to take a break, rest, wait on Him.!

Then, as if that wasn't enough confirmation of what God is teaching me, I started reading a book for one of my classes, called Boundaries, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. The book is all about setting limits for yourself, and learning when to say yes, and how to say no to things that may be good things, but not good for you at the time. The first chapter alone was all about a person who over-commited herself, and then doesn't justify her feelings of burn-out because she is suppose to be "christian, and self-sacrificial, and giving, and hard-working, etc." The next chapter (which I haven't read yet!) is going to teach when and how to set Biblically correct boundaries for yourself.

And if that wasn't enough, today at church, IBEX recieved prayer from the church elders for injuries inflicted by our marathon training. One word given during the prayer hit me really hard. We were told that healing is a process, and we should listen to God, and let him walk us through it slowly. Walk us through it. Slow down. Take a break. They went on to say that we should walk with God in this, and let Him speak to us, because we have to realize that we can't do it all on our own, in our own strenght!

To top off my learning experience, God decided to use the pulpit. Today in church, the pastor preached on God being our friend. Alot of times, as Christians, we think its all do do do, go go go, serve serve serve, etc. And we don't look to God as a friend, but as our master, or Rabbi, (which He is, but He is also calling us to be friends of his!) The pastor compared Mary and Martha in John 15, where Martha is busy serving in the kitchen, and Mary is at Jesus' feet, soaking in His words. Jesus is calling us to sit at his feet! Jesus is calling me to sit at his feet! He has things to tell me! I just need to slow down, sit down, and listen!

After typing this all out, I was thinking: Now how does this apply to me, because I'm an IBEX student. Busy is what we do. Serving is what we do. I simply don't have alot of time to sit and rest. Plus, its not really "me" to just chillax and coast through the days. How do I apply this, Lord? But it all comes down to this- I need to take a sabbath! I should know this... it is one of the commandments! But I need to intentionally take some time out of my week to relax, to do something fun, to have alone time if I need it, to have fellowship time if I need that, to have some time to sit and rest in God's presence!

All in all, I am so glad that God revealed this to me before I reached that burn-out stage. I'm not sure how it's going to look, but I am going tobegin  intentionally sit at Jesus' feet, and take a sabbath!

Love without limits. Lead without compromise. Live without regrets.